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Acceptance golf page

2025 Masters Practice Round Acceptance

Please complete the acceptance form below to confirm your attendance and secure your place at this unforgettable experience. We look forward to hosting you at Augusta National Golf Club for an unparalleled VIP experience.

All fields denoted by * are mandatory.

Please indicate your preferred date in order of preference:

*Preferred date should reflect date of attendance to the Masters event, requiring arrival the night before and departure on your preferred attendance day after attending the the tournament.

Please enter name of your emergency contact

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Acknowledgement:

Do you have an association with a govenment, political party, or political candidate?

Disclaimer: By attending this event, guests and attendees acknowledge and agree that World Kinect Corporation and its subsidiaries (together, “WK”) are not responsible for any personal injury, loss, or damage to personal property that may occur during the event. Guests and attendees attend at their own risk, and WK disclaims any liability for incidents arising from their actions or negligence or those of other guests, attendees, or other third parties.